How Beauty and the Beast Prepared Me For #TheDress
Taylor Swift is scared, people. Scared! According to her tweet regarding #TheDress, the fact that individuals throughout the world view the colors of this trending-fashion-dud differently, due to scientifically-explained pre-dispositions of the individual human retina, worries her. She is worried. She is young. She is … blond … and for the record, no one disputes…
READ MOREEmma, Paige and Me
(on Disney’s Live-Action Beauty and the Beast) Paige O’Hara and I are friends. I’m so pleased to be able to say that, because I truly admire her performance as ‘Belle’ in the Oscar-winning animated feature Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (1991). I was unbelievably lucky enough to go on and originate the role of ‘Belle’…
Like working moms everywhere, I have felt that constant struggle to find balance – the elusive, perfect ratio of time away from the kids versus financial gain. I had the ridiculous notion that if I could only achieve that equilibrium, I’d experience a zen-like ability to cope with all incoming issues, demands, and needs without…