The Problem with Social Media …


… is that I am constantly tweeting and posting on Facebook and totally ignore my own website. SO sorry, folks. I have decided to be better about this and add some fun new things here, like free downloads and streaming tunes from my CDs and whatnot. So, stay tuned!!

2013 is all wrapped up, and here we are a month into 2014 – the season of Valentines – my favorite! I’ve been busy on the road with concerts – sitting on the deck of my Florida hotel right now, a few hours from showtime, in fact.  While I’m still maintaining my “mommy” tour schedule — I’m only on the road one week a month — we do have TONS of new tour dates to announce for 2014-2015 season!  Check out the Appearances page for the cities we are hitting, and know that venue details are on their way!

VERY excited to play my old Studio 54 stomping grounds in just a few months at the beautiful 54 Below – mark your calendar and get your tickets for April 15, 9:30pm.  Seats are very limited, and I’m told we have already sold quite a bit – so plan early!  I’m only doing one show, folks!  TICKETS

Other than that, I wish you all a beautiful February full of love … and if you haven’t already … go find a Girl Scout and buy some cookies.




Broadway Actress/Daisy Troop Leader





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