The Glamour of Goop – shooting my music video
Spent last Friday shooting day one (of two) for a music video I plan to release in the fall alongside my new CD. So many elements about the day have been staying with me … first and foremost how incredibly grateful I am to have such supportive, creative, hilarious and action-driven friends. The shoot is…
READ MOREEveryday Glamour
A friend of mine recently published a book – a chick-lit novel set in New York – my favorite kind! I downloaded it onto my iPad (LOVE that) and read it on my flight to Toronto last week: 8 uninterrupted hours for good old girl talk. Funny that I didn’t meet this writer friend through…
READ MOREDid Pocahontas’ Mom Smoke?
My daughter and I were watching Pocahontas together this morning and after the Native American beauty and her father let John Smith go free, Nina asked me if her own daddy would still be alive when she was Pocahontas’ age? “Of course,” I replied. “But you’ll be dead?” she inquired. “No, I’ll still be here,…